

Meet the 2022 Candidates – Michigan Senate


Economic growth and how to achieve it are at the top of the platform for most candidates for government office — whether it be for local, state, or national seats of representation. Regional economic catalyst, Southwest Michigan First, reached out to 2022 candidates for office to get their take on growing the economy. From now until the election, we’ll share the answers of those who responded to our questions. Let’s meet the candidates for the Michigan Senate! (in alphabetical order by last name):


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NOTE: No responses were received from Thomas Albert (R), Kai De Graaf  (D), Jonathan Lindsey (R) or Scott Starr (D).

Kim Jorgensen Gane

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District Position

Senate District 20

What community/professional experiences do you possess that have prepared you for this position?

Having the lived experience of being a mother, a grandmother, a writer, a former small business owner, a survivor of sexual assault and a reproductive rights activist, I decided I needed to step up and run to unseat my anti-choice Nesbitt.

What is your motivation for running for office?

As for this office in particular, in 2019, Sen. Kim LaSata stood on the senate floor and said that abortion should be painful and it should be hard. She is why I’m running and why I’m the #KimThatCares, as opposed to her, the Kim that very much doesn’t.

Please list your top priorities within the responsibilities of this elected office.

I have a four-pillar platform: voting rights, reproductive rights, public education and paid leave, because these are the keys to putting economic and political power into the hands of the people, especially into the hands of people who care for others.

How do you plan to accomplish these goals within the responsibilities and restrictions of the office?

We need to remember that our personally-lived experience isn’t always that of other people. We must have empathy when we lead. We must learn to listen better. We must come together and give Michiganders the resources they need to raise their families in safe, affirming and well-resourced communities that have thriving small-business economies, clean drinking water, better access to mental health resources and brilliant public schools.

At Southwest Michigan First, we believe “the greatest force for change is a well-paying job.” If elected, what steps do you plan to take to increase job growth and workforce development?

I strongly believe in legislative and community efforts to develop a highly-skilled workforce by linking career and technical education and job training to middle and high school students. A four-year degree isn’t the universal answer. I believe that raising the Michigan minimum wage to $15 will further make our job market more competitive and robust. I prioritize buying local and buying Michigan to help keep the economy vibrant in Michigan. I support reforming the unemployment system to better serve the people and take some of the burden off of the small business owners by funding paid leave.

How will your election impact the region’s workforce and companies who call Southwest Michigan home?

I will always prioritize Michigan families, Michigan small businesses, Michigan’s children and Michigan’s natural resources over corporate profits and irresponsible capitalism. I will be a passionate voice for reproductive freedom in Lansing making sure a radical court can’t ever again deprive us of our reproductive freedom.

How can elected officials create a place where working together toward meaningful progress is the priority?

Listening, hearing, prioritizing state/country over party and coming to the table with a goal to find common ground. We must put partisanship aside and recognize that we all want similar things. We all want safe, thriving communities for our families (however and with whom we choose to grow them) with fresh, clean water to sustain our great state for generations to come.

What are your thoughts on diversity, equity, inclusion and environmental justice issues in your district?

I believe we can achieve a more just and equitable Michigan for everyone if we have the right leaders, with the right lived experience, in Lansing. The many issues we face are linked with reproductive justice and economic justice and voting rights. We don’t get any of it if we don’t elect Democrats, up and down the ballot.

In what ways do you plan to connect with constituents to receive their input?

I’m an activist first. I am already doing the work in my community and my state. I am passionate about radical collaboration around social justice, economic justice, gender and racial equity, and I believe that we need more activists in office. We need people who are already doing the work at a grassroots level.

What are your long-term political/career goals?

Right now, I am happy with the term limits in place for our elected officials. I do not have a desire to hold office just to advance like my opponent. I intend to make waves, inspire change and do the work that is needed to always put our state first in the fight for gender and racial equity and reproductive freedom for all.

Campaign Song

“What About Us” by Pink

Favorite Movie

“Wonder Woman” (feel free to ask me which one when you see me!)

Favorite Book

“Make Trouble” by Cecile Richards

Favorite Food

Pasta – ANY kind of pasta!


Sean McCann

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District Position

Senate District 19

What community/professional experiences do you possess that have prepared you for this position?

Current senator for the 20th district completing a four-year term. Two two-year terms as state representative for the 60th district. Eight years on the house and
senate appropriations committees. Five two-year terms on Kalamazoo City Commission. 33 year resident of Kalamazoo, taxpayer, small business owner, children
in public schools.

What is your motivation for running for office?

I want to make our community and Michigan the best place to live for everyone. I want our citizens to thrive and prosper. I want our community to grow while improving its quality of life.

Please list your top priorities within the responsibilities of this elected office.

To achieve the goal of a better Michigan for everyone, we must continue to grow our community and Michigan economically; improve our roads and infrastructure, provide adequate funding and have high expectations for our public schools and higher education institutions; protect our water and environment; and strengthen our democracy.

How do you plan to accomplish these goals within the responsibilities and restrictions of the office?

Supporting economic growth and development in Michigan with effective retention and attraction efforts through the state budget and policies. Continue our focus on providing resources for workforce development through good schools, trade schools, community colleges and higher education institutions. Continue to direct resources to improve our infrastructure.

At Southwest Michigan First, we believe “the greatest force for change is a well-paying job.” If elected, what steps do you plan to take to increase job growth and workforce development?

I supported (SOAR), Michigan Reconnect, Futures for Frontliners and deposits in the state’s Rainy Day Fund. I supported budgets achieving record increases to our public schools and increases to community colleges and universities. I will continue working to keep Michigan at the forefront of job growth and economic development.

How will your election impact the region’s workforce and companies who call Southwest Michigan home?

Constituents and companies will know that they have a senator with a proven track record and commitment to improving the region’s economic success. I will look to Southwest Michigan First and other key stakeholders for input and expertise when considering policies and laws that impact our community’s well-being.

How can elected officials create a place where working together toward meaningful progress is the priority?

I have always placed a premium on listening to others and being focused on achieving a successful community. A collaborative approach and a willingness to achieve bipartisanship is needed in Lansing. I will continue to work across the aisle to get the best policy outcomes that move our state forward.

What are your thoughts on diversity, equity, inclusion and environmental justice issues in your district?

These are all important considerations in policy-making. I work to have open channels of communication with constituents on these issues. I work to keep abreast of the latest developments in DEI topics. I believe that people and entities should be responsible for the impact of their activities.

In what ways do you plan to connect with constituents to receive their input?

I work hard to stay engaged with the district and its citizens. I maintain a physical constituent service office in the community, hold town halls and regular coffee hours. I send newsletters and e-newsletters to constituents. I attend numerous community events, including celebrations hosted by the Southwest Michigan First Chamber.

What are your long-term political/career goals?

To create the best, most thriving Michigan possible.

Campaign Song

“One Foot” by Walk the Moon

Favorite Movie

“The Shawshank Redemption”

Favorite Book

“Robert’s Rules of Order” by Henry Martyn Robert

Favorite Food



Dr. Tamara Mitchell

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District Position

Senate District 19

What community/professional experiences do you possess that have prepared you for this position?

I am the founder of the Kalamazoo Electoral Action Team, a team of concerned citizens for transparent and accountable governance. Additionally, in my previous services as a legislative chief consultant, my expertise is legislative process. As a legislative chief consultant, one is required to be responsible for a working knowledge of all major committee and subcommittee policy proposals within a legislative body at all times. I hold a Doctorate of Public Administration with published research expanding stakeholder theory and excellence theory.

What is your motivation for running for office?

We have lost many businesses which has greatly impacted our community. The government response during the recent time of crisis contributed to the permanent closure of long-established businesses that were part of the fabric and charm of our community. I want to restore our economy and businesses and jobs and make our community a great place to live, work and play.

Please list your top priorities within the responsibilities of this elected office.

1) Restoring law and order to end the rampant crime trend to create a safe community for all, 2) Restoring businesses and incentivizing new businesses to boost our economy, and 3) Establishing and carrying a legislative package that is created in conjunction with community stakeholders.

How do you plan to accomplish these goals within the responsibilities and restrictions of the office?

I have already begun discussions with local law enforcement, citizens and business owners. The problems have been identified as well as potential solutions. Once elected, I will work with relevant institutions to bring to fruition finalized policy proposals.

At Southwest Michigan First, we believe “the greatest force for change is a well-paying job.” If elected, what steps do you plan to take to increase job growth and workforce development?

I will support policy proposals and author proposals that incentivize job growth and workforce development. I would like to partner with business owners through regular roundtables to keep the lines of communication and fresh ideas for recovery flowing. When capital is available for improvements and new ventures we all win!

How will your election impact the region’s workforce and companies who call Southwest Michigan home?

Opportunities for companies who call Southwest Michigan home and the region’s workforce will be improved. I understand the difficulties that companies and small- and medium-sized businesses have faced as well as their employees. I want to see an end to policies that have inhibited workforce growth and brought about company challenges with staffing retention regulatory changes and increased taxation.

How can elected officials create a place where working together toward meaningful progress is the priority?

Elected officials can create an environment for success by stripping away the formalities and inviting stakeholders to actually do the work with them directly. It brings an appreciation for what it takes to create sound policy and helps to solidify working relationships with each other.

What are your thoughts on diversity, equity, inclusion and environmental justice issues in your district?

Fact-based data is key when discussing and developing policy in all these areas. We live in a diverse society, and I delight in the company of all. Equality in opportunity encourages competition and thus inclusion of innovation from our diverse society. Receiving input from all stakeholders who are impacted by environmental hazards is humane and necessary in developing real solutions.

In what ways do you plan to connect with constituents to receive their input?

I plan to continue bi-weekly community meetings and expanding those meetings to all jurisdictions throughout the district.

What are your long-term political/career goals?

I would like to serve as senator in District 19 for as long as the people would have me.

Campaign Song


Favorite Movie

“Romance on the High Seas”

Favorite Book

“Courageous Leadership” by Bill Hybels

Favorite Food



Aric Nesbitt

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District Position

Senate District 20

What community/professional experiences do you possess that have prepared you for this position?

Served as a taxpayer advocate, state representative and now state senator in our community.

What is your motivation for running for office?

I was raised in Southwest Michigan on my family’s sixth-generation dairy and grape farm. I look forward to continuing to represent my friends and neighbors in our region and working to make Southwest Michigan the best place to start a career, raise a family and retire happily.

Please list your top priorities within the responsibilities of this elected office.

My number one priority is getting our economy back on track and lowering the cost of living. We can accomplish this by reducing the tax burden on families, seniors and small businesses and investing in infrastructure. Additionally, we need to focus on ensuring our children are receiving a quality education and support skilled trades and parental involvement.

How do you plan to accomplish these goals within the responsibilities and restrictions of the office?

We can grow our economy by reducing the tax burden on families, seniors and small businesses; reducing the regulatory burden and cutting red tape; investing in roads, bridges, water, as well as rural broadband and natural gas; and supporting our children and our future through investing in quality education and skilled trades.

At Southwest Michigan First, we believe “the greatest force for change is a well-paying job.” If elected, what steps do you plan to take to increase job growth and workforce development?

By lowering the cost of living and reducing the tax burden to grow our economy, attracting and retaining residents by investing in quality infrastructure and schools and expanding rural broadband into un- and underserved areas.

How will your election impact the region’s workforce and companies who call Southwest Michigan home?

I will continue to fight to reduce the tax and regulatory burden on small businesses. Additionally, I have and will continue to support expanding access to skilled trades and other affordable educational opportunities in high-demand fields such as nursing.

How can elected officials create a place where working together toward meaningful progress is the priority?

Compromise is a part of the negotiation process and necessary in divided government. We’ve worked together to pass balanced budgets, provide transformational reforms to systems in Michigan and have made tremendous investments in our state over the past four years. I remain willing to work together with all sides to serve my community.

What are your thoughts on diversity, equity, inclusion and environmental justice issues in your district?

Our nation was founded upon the principle of a fundamental equality of all people, and I will proudly work so each person can experience the fulfillment of that goal. Everyone is unique and has different talents, capabilities and preferences, but we are all fundamentally equal and deserve the abundant opportunities our country offers.

In what ways do you plan to connect with constituents to receive their input?

I have and will always remain open and willing to communicate with all of my constituents. My office works to provide quick constituent service for issues with the state and to ensure that I hear and provide a personal response to opinions or concerns from constituents.

What are your long-term political/career goals?

To continue serving my community.

Campaign Song


Favorite Movie


Favorite Book


Favorite Food


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