

Check In To A Great Day At Work

Photo By
Hannah Ziegeler

BDO, a global accounting network, has offices all over the world. In order to function optimally across locations, the company has come up with some innovative solutions.

BDO USA; KALAMAZOO, MI | Located in the heart of the city’s downtown, BDO’s Kalamazoo office decided to tear down its grey cubical walls to let in more light and opportunity for collaboration. “The office is very open now and allows for people to come in and mingle,” says CPA and Tax Senior Josh Light. “And coming in every day with such a great view of downtown gives me a better connection with the city and the community I grew up in.”

In addition, BDO has no assigned seats in any of its offices. Instead, the company relies on a hoteling system where team members can “check in” to workspaces across its worldwide offices and reserve a desk months in advance. “The system is based on a software network that is linked to all the buildings that we have offices in,” explains Light. “We collaborate a lot with the Grand Rapids office and use [the team and site there] as a support system. The space allows for a lot of that working back and forth. It’s very easy for someone from Grand Rapids to come down here, plug in, and work with their team down here. It really leads to more flexibility.”

BDO’s flexible workspace also extends beyond the boundaries of the traditional office. Its employees can “check in” from home to work more easily, taking their office space with them. Some team members have even made use of this policy by taking “working vacations,” connecting with coworkers and clients from all over the globe. “I love having the opportunity to work where I need to—whether that’s at Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, at home, or while traveling—and still get everything done,” says Light. “If I had to pick a word, I would say it is a very energizing environment.”

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